
Showing posts from February, 2024

Rock & Roll Hall of Fame 2024: Ratings & observations!

Rock & Roll Hall of Fame 2024 nominations: ratings, thoughts, observations & solid picks! Well it's another year for the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame as they're back with the new list for the Class of 2024 nominees. Like every list throughout history, it has lot of diversity & inclusiveness because that's what rock & roll stands for no matter what particular genres & instruments certain artists have done. After all, popular music is a broad term for rock & roll and those who got inducted have changed the entire course with influence, innovation, significance & legacy power.  It means not every typical "rock" band or solo performer people harbored so much will always make the ballot regardless of sales, hits & fanbases since it doesn't indicate anything other than popularity. And yes more rappers, country stars & pop icons will be included in the near future whether you like it or not and no the Hall isn't going to change...